Shivacandra Vidyarnava: Shastra is neither philosophy nor science. It is the Sadhana. which leads to Siddhi. It must be practised as well as understood. By practice, even though without understanding, it will be made plain. But no amount of understanding without practice will effect this. A Mahamahopadhyaya pandit who has conquered the whole world with his learning is, if devoid of practice, not the equal of the meanest of insects in the domain of Sadhana. On the other hand, should a great fool prove himself to be a faithful devotee attached to Sadhana, he is considered by Shastra to be one in a thousand. It has been said: “ Perhaps but one man in a thousand strives for Siddhi, and amongst a thousand of those who strive, maybe only one may be found who knows me truly.” It is not the hero of intellect, who is not also the hero of austere practices, who wins the battle of Sadhana. Just as all the efforts of a great charioteer who has with him an army complete in all its four component parts is useless if he be himself unarmed, so all the learning of a pandit of mighty intellect is but a vain thing if he be not equally possessed of the power which arises from Sadhana. Whoever with the resolve, “ I will accomplish my object or die in the effort,” has jumped into a fire, to him, a crest-gem amongst devotees, the Shastra gives shelter in its secure arms.

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