Shuddhaanandaa Brahmachari

Bodhi (Shuddhaanandaa Brahmachari): A cult is a narrow-minded following of a great Master by those blind to the Master's simplest and purely human essence. A cult is a result of followers engaging their own tiny ego-self to the Master's vast egoless entity of indiscriminate expansion. Those whose emphasis is solely on their Master's greatness in his or her Godhood and their Master being the one and only - surpassing all other Masters - only unconsciously try to assert their own ego. A true disciple is one who takes to heart at least one of the Master's 'human' qualities of selfless love, compassion, purity, and simplicity, and thus becomes a true human being. Those who forgo the master's simple human qualities but only stress his miracles or extraordinary capacities fail to attain even the basic spiritual stature of a good human.

Rising above this fallacy of ego-entangled worshipfulness towards the Master, I try to present my Master as one who, in his own words, is the definition of "pure love, pure joy."

Once, two men came to see me on the same day. The first man who came was an 'ardent' disciple of the Master and had served Him at his ashram for a very long time. He praised Master Sri Sri Bhajan Brahmachari in very highlighting words. I have asked him the reason and asked him to tell in one word what his Master meant to him. The man said, "He is God incarnate!" I have just smiled. Sometime later another man came to me. He had never seen my Master but had only imagined him in his own way through my words. I, inquisitively, asked him, "Do tell me, in one word, what my Master symbolizes to you. Remember, one word that most appropriately described him." The man just looked into my eyes, smiled peacefully, and just whispered, "joy". My eyes glistened with a tear even as a gentle smile appeared on his face. Shallow eulogizing the Master as 'greatest of all' can attract a cult, but not make a good human. But acknowledging the simplest of the Master's human qualities can move the heart and transform consciousness.

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