Bijoy Krishna Goswami

 (from "Shree Shree Bijoykrishna - His Divine Life and Sermons"):

Acharya Bijoy Krishna Goswami said, "About one lakh sadhus had gathered in the Kumbhamela of Haridwar. Only 3 among them had realised the truth (cosmic principle). Everyone else was engaged with attires, sectarianism and opinions. I asked one among those three, 'Why don't the sadhus achieve the Truth inspite of undergoing so much of austerities? He spoke in Hindi-"Baba, I am a small insect, what can I say?" On my expressing an earnest desire to know he said - "Nobody wants God these days. People want respect, recognition, to be the head of a monastery. They get all these."

A disciple asked-'It seems man is contented on attaining 'tatwajnan'. What is the principal sign of a 'tatwajnani'?

Bijoy Krishna Goswami wrote down [he was following mauna] — "The sign of having witnessed a tattwa will be manifested in the character. That person will not slander others even at the cost of his own life; will consider self praise equivalent to poison. He will be kind to trees, creepers, insects, beasts and birds, humans and all living beings. One who does not have any kindness towards living beings, one who slanders, and one who praises oneself, is not a tattwajnani. If one continues to have malice inspite of performing japa, spiritual practice, prayers externally and profusely, then that is not dharma. Dharma is not attained unless one is free from malice.

One should never do anything without analysing. Analysis is needed even while showing kindness. Show kindness only to the extent of your limitation and duty. Many great sadhus have been ruined by this unlimited kindness. The yogis must exercise great analysis when offering kindness. Else, they will fall into great trouble. When the Yogi sees that a particular person will be benefited by this much of kindness, then only will he show that much of kindness."

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