 (from "Mast - The Ecstatic" by Mohanji)

Being young, most of the students were ignorant and had a confusion, "What is my path?". They needed direction. Based on their respective orientation, Gautama guided the students who had these doubts. Hence, his contribution to students' life was invaluable. Alignment in the spiritual path happens only when one follows the orientation that is right for their personality and character else one will do it for the sake of doing or because of somebody else, but their heart won't be in it. It was Gautama who told Vamadeva that he must seek the path of knowledge (jnana marga). Vamadeva knew that the path of devotion (bhakti marga) did not appeal to him - to sit and chant, sing, and so on. Gautama guided him to follow the intellectual path and suggested he eventually change himself into a Raja yogi. He explained to him that when he would finally become an Avadhoota, he would be connected only to Supreme Consciousness. 

Vira Chandra: Different people - those who follow different paths - proclaim that their path is the most direct, and will advise the sadhaka to follow exactly this path. Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga - all these Paths are being described and prescribed in the Shastra with equal zeal and inspiration. What is the way to solve this dilemma? 

Without taking shelter at the lotus feet of Sri Guru, the sadhaka will be unable to discern which path of sadhana is best for him. 

If by some great fortune, the sadhaka gets the shelter of a Sat Guru, then the Guru will show the best Path for such a person. The Guru will be able to point out the path that suits the sadhaka according to his inclinations and nature - this will be the most direct and the best path for him or her.

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