(behavior of one Swamiji)

Over months, Background Briefing has spoken to more than 20 of Swamis former devotees.

They have alleged mind control and sexual abuse at the hands of the guru.

They describe him as an abusive narcissist, who has preyed on vulnerable women for decades.

"He believes that he is healing these women with his penis," said a psychologist who used to attend the ashram and now provides support to people who have left the community.

Other former devotees say he believes he does not answer to any of the laws of the land in which he lives.

One devotee tells us: "When all of the abuse came to light and there was a hint that it would turn legal and go to court, I said to him, 'What are you going to say if you have to go to court? and he said, 'I'll lie'.

"I said, 'You can't lie in a court of law'. And he said, 'My word's higher than the court of law. I'm God'."


Guruji Amritananda explains (in "Dasha Maha Vidyas book"): 

In Kaula marga, all males are considered Shiva, and all females Shakti. In the knowledge of Advaita, their act of voluntary choice and union both mentally and physically become pure and purifying acts. If one does not have this perfection of understanding, it brings immorality and has been criticized on this account. If one acts not out of the knowledge, but for seeking pleasure, not for the urdhvaretas but for casual enjoyment; not out of voluntary acts of testing the balance of ego but using force and violence; then these very same acts become not means for upliftment but cause for downfall. Poison in controlled form can give life, but more usually, it kills. Thus there is a necessity for Guru in liberation. A liberated man sees no distinction between any opposites including good or evil. But this does not mean he will commit evil voluntarily. As a reaction to evil forces, he may and will act evilly – that is not ruled out. But his maturity growing out of his knowledge of Samadhi leads to yama, niyama.

If he fights, he knows that he is fighting with himself. If he wounds, he knows that he wounds himself. Because there is no object other than himself, whatever he does to himself becomes right and for the good, generally, of his cosmic self. Who wants to wound, or hurt himself? To what purpose? He may commit surgery to remove some pus cells or bad growth. But that is all!

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