Shirdi Sai Baba

(from "Quintessence of Sai Satcharitra"):

One day after aarti, Baba said, "No matter where you are, no matter what you do, remember often that I am always aware of your deeds. I am the Master of all of Creation and my Presence is ingrained in every particle of existence. In my womb, I bear all living and non-living objects of the universe. I direct and channel the destiny of the world. I am a creator, sustainer, and destroyer. Those who take shelter under me, I protect from all evils. Those who do not put their mind in meditating upon me are entwined in illusion. All living beings, be it an ant, or all other beings that are tangible, mortal, or even immortal, are all my own forms."

At the highest level of Self-realization, the realized master experiences the non-dual reality of his own Self manifested as all that is. All mind-made borders dissolve or are burned in the fire of Self-knowledge which is pure Consciousness. The Yogi feels the all-pervasive expansion of his own Self and sees him or herself in everything from the Brahman to a particle of sand or even a blade of grass. True knowledge is where there is no perception of the "other". The perception of the "other" is an illusion of mind dipped in ignorance, which is avidya.

The words of Sai are the Vedic pronouncement of the Supreme Reality beyond the slightest hint of ignorance that exists even in the highest state of dualistic perception. He talks from the height of the Absolute Reality in the language of non-dual truth of Aham Brahmasmi - "I am That."

Remembrance of the divine presence of Sadguru is the easiest path. Trying to nurture pure and simple faith in the Guru is true sadhana. The way to love him or her is to train the mind in dwelling on his or her contemplative remembrance. The humble path of devotion and surrender is the easiest path to Sai.

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