Avadhoota Nadananda and Mohanji

(from https://mohanji.org/blogs/satsangs/2017/05/28/mohanji-on-bhagavan-nityananda/):

Then, in 2015 I met Avadhoota Nadananda. I think some of you have read the book, “Autobiography of an Avadhoota”. I was in Benares (aka Varanasi). One family who knew me invited me for breakfast. When I went for breakfast, they gave me a book written by Nadananda. That is how I came to know about him. When I looked at the picture, I saw a lot of energy on the face, very powerful. I asked them, “Who is this person?“ Then the person who gifted me the book said, “He is a very powerful master who is still in the body.“ I said, “I want to meet him.“ He said,“I don’t know where he is, but you can meet him“ and he gave me a contact number.

Nadananda never takes calls. So I was trying the number for a long time but couldn’t reach him. Then I thought, “Ok, I can’t meet him.” Then I travelled overseas conducting programmes in various parts of the world. When I came back, I found this book was sitting on my bed! Normally it would be on some shelf. But this was on my bed. Then I thought, “This book is sitting on my bed, that means I have to do something.” I called the number again. But he was not picking again. So I said, “Ok, leave it.” and I put the book on the shelf.

In December, I was filming in Shirdi for a film in which I was acting. Nadananda was staying about eight hours from Shirdi. I decided to meet him. We went to meet him, myself, Devi, Mila and a few other people. We already informed him that we were coming and he arranged a room for us. The room was next to where they store the grains and that place was full of rats. The bed was on the floor. You had to ask the rats, “Can I sleep a little bit?” 🙂 But we never felt anything. We were coming to meet a great master and we were all happy to sleep with the rats. I was hoping there were no snakes because when the rats come, the snakes get tempted to see what they were doing. 🙂

When I met Nadananda for the first time, he asked me, “Why have you come? What do you need from me?” I never go to any master for getting something. I just go empty and whatever happens, happens. If we go with expectation, we come with disappointment. So I never ever visit any master for something or expecting something. I just go, whatever happens, happens. Later on Nadananda said, “Your job was to come, our job is to fill in.“ The tradition operates that way. If a person comes, they never go empty-handed. Whatever possible, masters fill in. When I said I needed nothing, he said, “Mother will tell me why you are here. Nobody comes to see me without a reason.“

Next day we were all there and suddenly he came and said, “I want to honour Mohanji.” Then he gave me a shawl and a Sri Yantra (a sacred geometry depicting the Divine Mother), etc. I call him Guruji. I said, “Guruji, I don’t need any honour. I’m fine. I’m not expecting anybody to honour me. I’m ok.“ He said, “No, no. It’s an instruction.“ Later he wrote about it. He wrote when Mohanji came he liked me because I was empty and I never asked anything. Secondly, while he was sitting alone, Babaji told him, “We sent Mohanji to you. Take care of him.“ Then I came to know about the lineage, Bhagawan Nityananda, his disciple Maa Taramayee, then Avadhoota Nadananda. So again the lineage came back.

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