(from "Quintessence of Sai Charitra"):

For those who wish to practice meditation, the easiest path is to meditate upon the form of the Guru. With closed eyes, try to bring before your mind's eye Guru's physical form and observe the different parts of his physical form with deep attention, while evoking a deep connection of love with him in your heart. Try to visualise his radiant form with all your being.

Every pore of your body is now illuminated by his presence. Your eyes are not your eyes but his divine eyes. Your ears are not yours either, they are his. In this way, try to establish the eternal, divined form of your Guru in every sense preceptor of your being. This is called the sadhana, or spiritual practice of establishing the unchanging Truth (satya-pratishtha) over that which is apparently transient. As long as the perception of 'my eyes', 'my body' remain, so long all miseries remain too. The most profound ignorance is the body-centric ego. 'I am this body and this body defines who I am' - this is the essential perceptual fallacy which has kept us away from knowing the true spiritual essence of "Guru".

Guru is not an individual separate from us. Guru is essentially the name given to the shakti, the all-pervading Supreme Energy. It is the name of that force which is the existential life principle flowing through every cell and every pore of our microcosmic beings comprising our body, mind, breath and spirit, as also through every pore of the entire macrocosmic network of inter-beignets pervading Existence.

Guru-shakti is at the very root of the fundamental energy which drives every movement of my body and mind. It is also the witnessing Spirit that is constantly aware of its endless continuum of existence. To live in ignorance is to live in unawareness of the Guru-shakti. To be aware of our awareness, to be conscious of our consciousness is to worship the true Guru.

Meditation is nothing but reestablishing that which is Truth. Establishing where? First in your body, then in your mind. Body-mind is that space which needs the initial and most important cleansing. This is because the only purpose of every spiritual practice is to cleanse the body and mind in the subtle energy plane. The path of meditation is to re-establish your Guru in every centre of your body and mind and thereby purify and illuminate those structures with the light of awareness or Guru-shakti. In this meditative path, the all-powerful Guru-shakti manifests through one's being. What is Truth, manifests though one's being. Guru is the only Truth. Thus the disciple merges in the Guru. Just as, the shadow merges in the actual form. 

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