Yogi Ramsuratkumar and his King, Murugeshji

(from "Amarakavyam"):

“Remembering Father is Life. Forgetting Father is death”. Yogi Ramsuratkumar was one day repeatedly uttering throughout the day with all seriousness when the friends Murugeshji, Sivasankaran and the author were with Yogi. Murugeshji specifically asked Yogi whether any method or Yoga should be adopted to remember Father. Yogi responded that he had no idea of any Yoga. He also said that his master Swami Ramdas asked him to remember Ram Nam all the time. Yogi paused for some time and asked the author to chant “Yogi Ramsuratkumara Jaya Guru Jaya Guru Jaya Guru Raya”. The author and the other friends chanted the holy mantra for another few minutes. Yogi gestured to stop chanting. After a few minutes' pause he said, “Murugeshji, my king, somebody has told, it will take 32 years to learn all the four Vedas and scriptures. After 32 years of learning the Vedas and scriptures, one will understand the value of my Father’s name. So, let us remember Father’s name all the time and not bother about Vedas and yogas. Remembering Father’s Name is Life and forgetting Father’s name is death, Murugeshji. Let us all live eternally with Father. And my Father will take care of us. We need not bother about our spiritual growth”. Yogi again asked the author to chant Yogi’s name. From morning till late night Yogi was going on telling the value of chanting the guru’s name.

Murugeshji was constantly remembering Yogi’s name mentally. He would not exhibit outwardly that he was spiritually inclined and doing some sadhana. He kept Yogi inside his heart, deep inside without notice of anyone. He would not allow others to either comment on or criticize his way of life, which was totally one with his guru. He lived his normal life, as the managing director of a big cotton spinning mill, with all the majesty but deep inside he was like his guru, free from all attachments of the mundane life. He restricted his talks with others and used words when it was absolutely necessary. Most of the time he was sitting silently, all the time remembering and contemplating upon his guru. His favourite place was under the big peepul tree in his home garden, just in front of his house.

There were numerous visits the friends Murugeshji, Sivasankaran and the author made to their guru at Tiruvannamalai. Every time the friends spent a few days with Yogi in a blissful state. The friends were wondering, while there were a number of great sadhakas why Yogi was concentrating on the friends, who they imagined, were ignorant people belonging to the business community. Once Murugeshji asked Yogi, “Swami when we are here, you are spending all your time with us. Other people might be thinking that Swami is showering his powerful blessings on us to make us Realised Souls, but, here we are just cutting jokes and discussing history and politics. I think you have caught the wrong people, Swami.”

On hearing the words Yogi became very serious and said, “Murugeshji, this beggar cannot see a person without direction from my Father. Talking about other subjects may be insignificant, but being together with this beggar is the most significant event. The real work done goes unnoticed. It has been covered with these significant or insignificant talks. The masters have their own way to do Father’s work. The real work is, uniting, merging the chosen beings with MY FATHER. That’s all”. Yogi also said, “You don’t know, Murugeshji, we were together, we are together and we will be together. We cannot exist without each other. When Lord Siva comes, He comes along with His Ganas. When a guru comes, he comes along with his dearest devotees. When the guru departs, the devotees also shall go, after finishing my Father’s work. We are all together Murugeshji, eternally”. Yogi’s voice was choked and the friends were shedding tears.

“The king bee would bring any potential worm to its nest and would go on stinging it, till it becomes another king bee. Likewise a guru also works on his disciples till the disciples get the state of the guru. The process is painful but there is no escape”. Yogi once described to friends.

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