(from "Ramana Periya Puranam"):

T. P. Ramachandra Iyer: "I was repeatedly confronted with the inbuilt contradiction in the scriptures between knowledge and wisdom. 

Is all knowledge contained in the scriptures so useless that one can attain wisdom only by going beyond their framework? 

This was my constant and deep doubt. Once, I put this doubt before Bhagavan."

Bhagavan turned towards me and said calmly,

"This Arunachala is the centre for unlearning. Everything one has learnt has to be given up here as the final culmination to spiritual perfection. Unless one has learnt something, how can one be advised to unlearn? 

Scriptures equip one with learning. So, does unlearning denote rejecting or removing the scriptures from memory? Never. 

On the contrary, unlearning means releasing oneself from the mere intellectual knowledge of the scriptures and plunging oneself into the experience of it. That is, making it one's own and not keeping it outside of oneself."

It is similar to a sportsman, initially learning a game and all its nuances, theoretically. When he masters it and matures into a world-renowned sportsman, everything he learnt theoretically is put into perfect action. 

Such expression of ease in action is original and exclusive to him.

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