Annamalai Swami

( from "Living by the Words of Bhagavan"): 

Question : This is just my problem: The accumulated energy of my mind — all its hopes, fears, desires, worries, likes and dislikes —is too much for me. The little energy I periodically put into self-inquiry is never enough to stop the spinning mind for more than one or two seconds. There is too much outward-moving energy in my mind. I cannot reach the source of the mind at all.

Annamalai Swami: Once you begin to stabilize yourself in the state of oneness, the likes and dislikes which are causing you so much trouble now will just fade away of their own accord. When there are no likes or dislikes, what is there left in the mind to disturb your peace? 

Don't be discouraged by obstacles or the feeling that you are not making any progress. The mind is so enmeshed in illusion it is not capable of determining whether or not it is making any progress along the spiritual path. Just carry on with your meditation. Don't expect immediate results and don't be worried by the lack of them. 

Question: I feel that I am a useless sadhaka. I feel that I will never have enough detachment or energy to transcend my problems. 

Annamalai Swami: An ignorant person may think that he has many problems or faults, but if he goes to a jnani the jnani will see none of them. He will simply see a person who is unaware of the Self, unaware of the truth. He will not condemn him for this, he will just feel compassion for his ignorance. 

When you see that all is your own Self, whom can you condemn, whom will you praise? For whom can you feel any hatred?  If you see no defects or faults you remain always at peace, knowing all to be your Self.  It is the nature of the mind to see some things as right and some things as wrong. If you give up all ideas about good and bad, right and wrong you remain as Self alone. Small babies and jnanis are similar in that they don't see right or wrong in anything.

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