Pundit studying

(from "Letters from Sri Ramanasramam"):

One morning in 1944, a disciple approached Bhagavan with an air of supplication and said, “Bhagavan, I would like to read books and find out a path whereby I can attain mukti,  but I do not know how to read. What shall I do? How can I realise mukti?” 

Bhagavan said, “What does it matter if you are illiterate? It is enough if you know your own Self.” “

All people here are reading books, but I am not able to do that. What shall I do?” he said. 

Stretching out his hand towards the disciple, Bhagavan said, “What do you think the book is teaching? You see yourself and then see me. It is like asking you to see yourself in a mirror. The mirror shows only what is on the face. If you see the mirror after washing your face, the face will appear to be clean. Otherwise, the mirror will say there is dirt here, come back after washing. A book does the same thing. If you lead the book after realising the Self, everything will be easily understood. If you read it before realising the Self, you will see ever so many defects. It will say, ‘First set yourself right and then see me.’ That is all. First, see your Self. Why do you worry yourself about all that book learning?” 

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