(from "Annamalai Swami - Final Talks"):

Question: When I was in Germany I used to meditate in front of Bhagavan's picture and feel very peaceful. One day, while I was sitting as usual in front of Bhagavan's picture, a light started emerging from the eyes of Bhagavan. It flowed out of the photo and embraced me.

Soon afterwards I went into a peaceful, blissful, timeless state that I had never experienced before. I totally forgot about my body, time and my surroundings. There was only peace and consciousness. That experience made such a deep impression on me, it created a strong yearning in me to regain the experience. But I never got it back. No matter how much I try, I never feel that I am getting any closer to it.

How can I get this experience back?

Annamalai Swami: By constant self-enquiry: ‘Who had the experience, and who lost it? Who has the yearning to regain it? Who has all these thoughts about it?’

If you follow this approach, you will ultimately realize who you really are.

The experience you had didn't come from somewhere else. It is already within you. Find out who had the experience.

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