
(from "Conscious Immortality"):

Bhagavan: Do not tell this path to all. Only the few who manifest an anxiety to know the Truth and an eagerness to find it, should be told. With all others be silent and keep it secret.


Vira Chandra: As one devotee said, "This direct path of self-enquiry was traditionally an esoteric initiation. Also in the Tibetan tradition the parallel was only taught to ripe students. The reason for this secrecy is the fact that the apparent simplicity of the teaching can give the wrong impression that no sadhana is needed because we are the Self already. That would be a tragically misleading idea which could block all true realization."

I had previously harbored a lot of prejudice towards Ramana Maharshi, largely due to the behavior of some modern self-proclaimed followers of his teachings. They often remind me of dogs put on a throne; they may appear kingly, but once a bone is thrown, their true nature is revealed. Even Ramana's closest disciples, like Annamalai Swami, required decades of selfless service and ardent sadhana to realize the Self. 

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