Ramanatha Brahmachari

(from "Bhagavan Sri Ramana as I knew Him"):

Devaraja Mudaliar: There is another trait that I have observed in Bhagavan. Though he was equally accessible and kind to all alike, and though thousands of visitors came and went over the years, there was a small coterie of followers among all this crowd whom he definitely took over for his special care. Here again it must be said that he was not making any choice, for where was there a mind in him to make a choice? Such things were happening automatically. However, to all alike he was immeasurably kind.

(from "The Power of the Presence"):

Ramanatha Brahmachari used to feed Bhagavan with such love and devotion, Bhagavan felt he had been captured by his love. That is why Bhagavan said on one occasion, ‘I am only afraid of two devotees, Ramanatha Brahmachari and Mudaliar Patti’.

It was not physical fear, it was more a feeling of helplessness. If a devotee has a strong, burning love for his Guru, the Guru is compelled to do anything that the devotee asks. Bhagavan always felt apprehensive whenever Ramanatha Brahmachari appeared because he knew he would not be able to resist any of his requests. Ramakrishna Paramahamsa once expressed the same idea when he said: ‘When you have attained ecstatic love, you have found the rope to tie God with.’

 (from "Letters from Sri Ramanasramam"):

Mudaliar Patti had no money and no one to help her in her domestic work in the house.

Seeing her desolate condition, taking pity on her, Niranjanananda Swami, Kunju Swami and others advised her, saying, 'Now you are an old woman. You can no longer worry yourself about this service of offering food to Bhagavan. The ashram is giving shelter to several people. Eat here and sit in peace in Bhagavan's presence with closed eyes. Or if you so desire, we will send you food to your place. Eat and stay at home.'

She replied, 'Whatever the difficulties, I will not give up this holy task. If I do not have money, I will go to ten houses, feeling my way with my stick, beg for food, offer it to Bhagavan, and only then will I eat. I cannot keep quiet.'

So saying, and with tears in her eyes, the woman went away.

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