Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda

 (from "Sri Sri Ramakrishna Kathamrita" ):

Sri Ramakrishna: “You were talking of worshiping clay images. Even if made of clay, there is need for this kind of worship. God Himself has provided various methods of worship. He, who has created the Universe has provided different forms to suit people with different understanding. A mother provides food so, that her children get what agrees with each.

Say a mother has five children and she has fish to cook. She makes different dishes out of it to suit each of her children. Pulao (a highly spiced fish dish of rice and meat boiled in clarified butter) with fish for one, fish with sour tamarind - for another, charchari (dry fish with spiced vegetables soaked in oil) - for yet another, and fried fish - for still another. She prepares exactly what they like, exactly what agrees with their stomachs. Understand?”


(from "Swami Vivekananda -  A biography by Swami Nikhilananda"):

Sri Ramakrishna, perfect teacher that he was, never laid down identical disciplines for disciples of diverse temperaments. He did not insist that Narendra should follow strict rules about food, nor did he ask him to believe in the reality of the gods and goddesses of Hindu mythology. It was not necessary for Narendra's philosophic mind to pursue the disciplines of concrete worship. But a strict eye was kept on Naren's practice of discrimination, detachment, self-control, and regular meditation.

Sri Ramakrishna enjoyed Naren's vehement arguments with the other devotees regarding the dogmas and creeds of religion and was delighted to hear him tear to shreds their unquestioning beliefs. But when, as often happened, Naren teased the gentle Rakhal for showing reverence to the Divine Mother Kali, the Master would not tolerate these attempts to unsettle the brother disciple's faith in the forms of God.

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