Nirmalananda Swami

(from "Swami Nirmalananda - His life and teachings"):

31st Oct. 1933. 

Question: Are the Westerners giving up religion?

Nirmalananda Swami: It is mainly the Russian Bolsheviks that attempt it. That is the idea of the present generation. But, can religion be discarded forever? The central idea of Bolshevism is equality and rule by the proletariat —peoples’ rule. How long will equality last? Self will gradually creep in and assert itself and then the system will go to pieces. A few clever and selfish people will unite to deprive the poor masses of their vested rights and these will, in time, become their exclusive property. Thus arise class distinctions, the rich and strong upper class, and the poor and weak lower class, with many gradations. That is what goes on everywhere.

Nature is never without differentiation and inequality. Equality is in theory only. The very essence of creation is variety. No two things are quite alike. Look at the pots made by a potter, look at the leaves and fruits of a tree and look at the children of the same parents. Every one of them differs from every other of the same class. To bring about equality, you have to destroy them. Break the potter’s pot and bring them back to the condition of mere mud. They are all equal there. That is to say, you can have perfect equality not in creation, but in destruction; not in life, but in death. The moment you begin to create you make differentiation. The moment differentiation ceases, death appears. All the same, there is a unity running through all differentiation. The manifoldness of nature rests upon a unity. The Seers have seen it. They recognise it, but they do not seek to destroy the surface inequalities inherent in life.

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