Avadhoota Nadananda

(from Autobiography of an Avadhoota")

Avadhoota Nadananda: By noon I had reached near a stream. From distance, I could see someone sitting near the stream. Reaching there, there was no limit to my wonder. It was Bhriguram ji! I went near him, did namaskars, and sat near him. He asked, "How was the journey? You might have enjoyed the lonely travel. Make this a habit. Always move alone. Do not try to be in any company. It will spoil you. Invisibly, of course, we the Guru Mandali are always with you. You have to believe this. Even now your mind doubts and you think you are alone. But note always that gurus are always with a true sadhak."

As usual, he opened his shoulder bag and took out a packet from it, and gave it to me. It contained rice, sambar, etc. (The packet was done just like the food parcel packing in South Indian hotels. It was packed in Banana leaves and covered with a Tamil newspaper.)

I was wondering about the taste of South Indian food in the Himalayan hills. I ate the food with great happiness. Bhriguram ji was looking at my face. Once I finished the food, he said, "Son, this feeling must go! When you get some food of South Indian taste you feel very happy and if the food is from other parts of the country you feel a bit averse to, is it not? This has to go from your mind. Now you are a sannyasi - a universal being. Now you are not limited to any country or state. Even you are not bound to Chaturvarna - not a brahmin, kshatriya, vaisya, or shudra. You have to experience that you are the ultimate Being. The feelings of differentiation in language, country, caste, and creed must go out from you." I felt ashamed. Even though after reaching a stage of 'Oneness' still that Vibhageeya Chinta (considering oneself different from others) was in me!

Bhriguram ji continued, "Never think that you are born! Born in a family, in a country of such and such language, of eating habits, etc. You are the 'energy' of the whole existence. Now you have the five qualities of 'Paramatma' (Almighty/Divine). Realize it and try to keep it up." He looked at me with a different smile and touched my forehead. I felt everything vanish in front of me. No hills, no stream, no body, no mind. I could see a beam of light around me and I merged in it. I went into a deep trance.

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