Bijoy Krishna Goswami

(from "Bijoy Krishna Goswami - His divine life and sermons" by Deb Kumar Bhattacharya):

At this time his [Bijoy Krishna Goswami's] brahmachari friend told him that some siddha-mahatmas were staying in caves in the Barabarnhill of Gaya. One day he went out to have darshan of the siddha-mahatmas along with his friend. Bijoykrishna had a question in his mind at that time, "Is it possible to reach the same destination through the sadhana of different sects?"

Earlier Buddhist sadhus used to stay on Barabar hill. Later Hindu sadhus started living there for spiritual practice. When Bijoykrishana arrived at the foot of the hill he found an Aghorpanthi Bhairav roaming about. The Bhairav's appearance was horrible. He looked very terrifying with his black complexioned face smeared with red vermilion. Immediately on seeing Bijoykrishna and the brahmachari, that Bhairav started hurling abuses and threw stones at them to drive them away. One stone hit Bijoykrishna's foot also, yet with folded hands Bijoykrishna advanced towards the Bhairav, bowed down to him, and expressed his desire, to have a darshan of the siddha-mahatmas. On hearing Bijoykrishna's words the Bhairav said, "People come here always to create obstacles to the mahatmas' spiritual practice, that is why I stay in this horrible attire to repel them and scare them away by throwing stones. It feels good to see you. Have some mahaprasad at first and then I will take you to the mahatmas." 

The Bhairav brought mahaprasad. The mahaprasad of the Aghori Bhairav was human flesh. Seeing this, Bijoykrishna politely said with folded hands, "We are vegetarians. Please pardon me". Showing some displeasure the Bhairav took him along to the cave to have the mahatmas' darshan. After reaching the place Bijoykrishna saw that four mahatmas were sitting there in a state of trance (samadhi). As their trance broke after some time the Bhairav introduced them and said, "They have come to have your darshan." One mahatma asked the Bhairav, "Have they been served with any refreshment?" The Bhairav said, "They were offered mahaprasad of human flesh but they refused it. They have taken just some fruits, etc." 

On hearing the Bhairav's words the mahatmaji said, "You have done wrong. Eating human flesh is not forbidden in your dharma. Does it mean that everybody will have to eat human flesh? Doing such a thing means insulting a guest."  Bijoykrishna asked, "Is eating such things a part of dharma?" The mahatmaji said, "Not that, dharma is one, the aim is one. But there are different views and different paths according to peoples' taste and so people have to eat and behave according to the path they follow. Some paths grant rice and various tasty food and some other paths allow only meat to eat. No sense of difference remains when the goal is attained. Look, all four of us were followers of completely different paths. They are Vaishnava Ramanandi, Nanak-panthi, Kapalik and I am Aghori. We had no meeting point in the beginning, we were opposed to one another, but by virtue of spiritual practice, we have reached the same place. All our mutual differences of opinion have disappeared. All four of us are relishing the same form and taste of God. Differences of opinion, groupism, and sectarianism exist as long as we are away from our goal. That is why differences exist in factors of food and mannerism along with the difference of opinions."

Having got the answer to the question that had been in Bijoykrishna's mind he derived limitless joy. Taking leave of the mahatmas Bijoykrishna returned to Akasha-ganga.

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