Sri Ramakrishna

 (from "Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna"):

Sri Ramakrishna and Pundit Shashadhar's conversation continued...

Pundit: How far did you go in visiting the sacred places?

Sri Ramakrishna: Oh, I visited a few places. (With a smile) But Hazra went farther and also climbed higher. He visited Hrishikesh, but I didn't go so far or so high. You must have noticed kites and vultures soaring very high in the sky; but their eyes are always fixed on the charnel-pits. Do you know the meaning of 'charnel-pits'? It is 'woman and gold'. What is the use of making pilgrimages if you can attain love of God remaining where you are? I have been to Benares and noticed the same trees there as here. The same green tamarind-leaves! Pilgrimage becomes futile if it does not enable you to attain love of God. Love of God is the one essential and necessary thing. Do you know the meaning of kites and vultures'? There are many people who talk big and who say that they have performed most of the duties enjoined in the scriptures. But with all that their minds are engrossed in worldliness and deeply preoccupied with money, riches, name, fame, creature comforts and such things.

Pundit: It is true, sir. Going on a pilgrimage is like seeking diamonds and gems, while discarding the precious stone that is worn by Narayana Himself on His breast.

Ramakrishna: I want you to remember this. You may impart thousands of instructions to people, but they will not bear fruit except in proper time. One feels yearning for God at the proper time.


(from "Shivastotravali" [1.4] of Utpaladeva):

sākṣādbhavanmaye nātha sarvasmin bhuvanāntare |
kiṃ na bhaktimatāṃ kṣetraṃ mantraḥ kvaiṣāṃ na siddhyati || 

When everything in the world is in your form, 
How could there be a place 
Not suitable for devotees? 
Where in the world does their mantra 
Fail to bear fruit?

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