
(from "Bijoy Krihna - His diivine life and sermons"):
In the house of Kunja Ghosh, suddenly one day drops of blood were seen on the grass, courtyard roof etc. and both Kunja Ghosh's wife and son developed very high fever. Being perturbed Kunja Ghosh came to Goswamiji and related the whole incident. His house was adjacent to the ashram. Goswamiji said, "Your mother-in-law has insulted Kali Ma. That is why this is happening. Worship Kali without any loss of time, else further mishap will follow"

Kunja Ghosh asked, "How did my mother-in-law insult Kaliji?" Goswamiji said, "Mother Kali used to give darshan to your mother-in-law when she sat for her sadhana. Your mother-in-law believes that Krishna alone is God and not Kali. That is why she became angry when she saw Ma Kali and hit her with a broom. Being angered by this, Kaliji's companions are raining blood. Arrange for Kali puja immediately." Kunjababu's mother-in-law acknowledged her offence. Goswamiji said to her, "What have you done? Kaliji is a wrathful goddess and you have hit her with a broom? Even after performing austere spiritual practice people do not get her darshan. She has gracefully given you darshan and you have hit her with a broom! Isn't Kaliji a goddess? Was it said during deeksha that God has only one form? God alone knows how and when He will shower his grace. No form of him should be imagined before meditation. Shakti mantra, Shiva mantra, Krishna mantra — all these are God's different names. Sadhana depends on bhava. If instead of doing sadhana with Krishna mantra in satwik bhava one engages in sadhana with the bhava of wealth or rajas, then that mantra becomes a shakti mantra. And if one performs sadhana of Shakti mantra in sweet or satwik bhava then that becomes Krishna mantra."

On Goswamiji's instruction Kaliji's idol was brought and worshipped according to scriptural method and satwik bhava. All troubles ended following this.

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