Yogiraj Gambhirnath
(from "Bijoy Krishna - His divine life and sermons"):
Generally three types of specialities are to be seen in Mahatma Gambhirnathji's method of teaching. First, he had heartfelt loving sympathy for the physical and mental weakness of his disciples. That is why he did not burden his disciples with the heavy load of rules and regulations. Second, he did not consider it just to interfere with the freedom of judgement of any individual. He used to direct the mind and intellect of those who took his shelter to move towards their goal with his loving behaviour. Third, verbal words or sermons were not needed for his disciples as he infused spiritual power into his disciples' soul and expressed good wishes for their welfare silently.
At the time of giving Deeksha he used to specially give the following instructions:

1. All gods like Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Kali, Durga are one. Do not discriminate. Forms are varied. Real form is one.
2. Follow the Sanatan dharma.
3. Be respectful to the gods and brahmins.
4. Believe in 'naam' and keep it a secret. Repeat naam for one or half an hour in the morning and evening or even for fifteen minutes or for whatever time you have.
5. Gift lovingly to sadhus and the poor and needy and remember that you are serving God. No place is empty, God is present everywhere.
6. Speak the truth. Do not behave deceitfully.
7. Do not slander others.
8. Respect all religions.
9. Analyse. Do not embark on that work which is found to be wrong by a thorough analysis.
10. Giving up fruits of action do all good work with the sense of serving God. This is the best spiritual practice for householders.

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