Biyoy Krishna Goswami and Yogmaya Devi, his spouse

(from "Bijoy Krishna - His divine life and sermons"):

While staying at the Bharat Ashram, one night, Bijoykrishna went to sleep while meditating. His external senses seemed to have become lost. At that time he felt someone knocking at the door. He got up in that state and opened the door. Some mahatmas, whose bodies emitted a glow, entered the room. One mahatma from among them introduced himself saying, "I am Adwaita Acharya. They are Shree Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Shree Nityananda and with them are Shrivas and other companions of Shree Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. All of them have come here." After the introduction, Shree Adwaitacharya said, "Your work of the Brahmosamaj has almost come to an end. Now you take shelter under Shree Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Mahaprabhu himself will give you a mantra. Go, have a bath and return."
Bijoykrishna hurriedly took a bath and Shree Chaitanya Mahaprabhu gave him a mantra. After giving the mantra, Shree Chaitanya disappeared with his companions. Bijoykrishna got back to his external senses after their exit. He started thinking, "Was I dreaming?" After thinking for some time, as he saw his wet clothes left near the well he thought, "How can it be? Maybe some spirits, had come to test me as to what sort of a Brahmo I was?" Many such questions came to his mind. He could not accept this incident as being true.

With the start of mutual discord, the Bharat Ashram could not survive for long. Some days after this Keshabchandra gave his daughter in marriage to the king of Coochbehar. Prior to this Keshabchandra had called the 'Civil marriage Act' - God's mandate. Now breaking away from this he gave his minor daughter in marriage according to the Hindu rites. This incident triggered agitation in Bharatvarshiya Brahmo samaj. In spite of having an intimate friendship with Keshabchandra, Bijoykrishna protested against this act of his. For this deceitful act, most of the members of Bharatvarshiya Brahmosamaj forsook Keshabchandra's company. Then the main Brahmos formed a separate Brahmosamaj in 1878 A.D. with assistance from Bijoykrishna. With the concurrence of Maharshi Debendranath Bijoykrishna named it "Sadharan Brahmosamaj". Bijoykrishna did the work of preaching as its acharya for about two and a half years in various places of East Bengal. Subsequently, he ran the "Sadharan Brahmo Samaj" in Kolkata. At this time Keshabchandra's followers conspired to take his life but by the grace of God, he was saved every time. At this time Keshabchandra changed the name of 'Bharatvarshiya Brahmo Samaj' to "Nababidhan Brahmo Samaj'.

Thus to maintain the truth Bijoykrishna had to distance himself again and again from his friends and change his views. Those unable to appreciate the core objective of Bijoykrishna's actions or those who could not forcefully oppose injustice or deceit used to criticize him as one of restless and unstable character. The speciality of nature that can be observed among those determined to observe the truth is [Uttara-rama-charita 2.7, quoted in Chaitanya Charitamrita Madhya 7.73]:

vajrād api kaṭhorāṇi
mṛdūni kusumād api
lokottarāṇāṁ cetāṁsi
ko nu vijñātum īśvaraḥ

"Who can appreciate the minds and thoughts of the great ones? Because their behaviour is sometimes as strong as thunder and at times soft as flowers."

With the increase of mutual discord in the Brahmosamaj Bijoykrishna's introspection became stronger. Various questions like "What is truth? What is its real form? How can it be attained?" etc., kept appearing in his mind. With the objective of staying in seclusion for some days, Bijoykrishna went to the village Baganchra. In the secluded place, he attained some peace of mind through meditation. One day he prayed imploringly in a lonely place, "Oh Lord! What is my duty now? Tell me what?" Suddenly he heard a divine voice, "Truth cannot be attained in life while staying within an organized religion." After some days he heard again, "If you want to achieve dharma then do not enter into bindings again."
The core meaning of this divine message that Bijoykrishna understood was that Hinduism was bound by narrowness. That is why he embraced Brahmodharma.

But after some time he felt that Brahmosamaj also was fettered with groupism, dryness, blind faith, personality cult, selfishness etc. Here also it was not easy or possible to practise one's dharma and pursue the truth. That is why he felt that in order to achieve Truth he should forsake the bondage of the group or samaj. He has expressed his analysis thus, —"Examining my life I have come to the conclusion that the aim of the Hindu, Muslim, Christian and all other sects is to worship that one Parabrahma. Dharma lies wherever there is love, bhakti and purity. Dharma alone is the aim of life, not confinement in any group. I have to see by introspection how much dharma I have achieved?"

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