Annamalai Swami on Arunachala

(from "Annamalai Swami - final talks"):

Annamalai Swami: I once asked Bhagavan: ‘You are at the top of the hill. You have reached the summit of spiritual life, whereas I am still at the bottom of the hill. Please help me to reach the summit.'

Bhagavan answered, ‘It will be enough if you give up the thought, "I am at the bottom of the hill". If you can do this, there will be no difference between us. It is just your thoughts that are convincing you that I am at the top and you are at the bottom. If you can give up this difference, you will be fine.'

Don't adopt attitudes such as these that automatically assume that you are limited or inferior in any way.

On another occasion I asked Bhagavan: 'Nowadays, many people are crossing big oceans by plane in very short periods of time. I would like Bhagavan to find us a good device, a jnana airplane that can speedily transport us all to moksha.'

This time Bhagavan replied, 'We are both travelling in a jnana airplane, but you don't understand this.'

In his answers to me Bhagavan would never let me fall into the false belief that I was separate or different from him or that I was a person with a mind and a body who needed to do something to reach some exalted spiritual state. Whenever I asked him questions that were based on assumptions such as these, he would show me the error that was implicit in the question and gently point me back to the truth, the Self.

He would never allow me to entertain wrong ideas.

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