(from "Living by the words of Bhagavan"):

The ego is just like a ghost, it has no real form or its own. If you see what the ego really is by enquiring ‘Who am I?' it will simply run away. The mind has no substance and no form. It exists only in the imagination. If you want to get rid of something that is imaginary, all you have to do is cease to imagine it.

Alternatively, if you can be continuously aware that the mind and all its creations only exist in your imagination, they will cease to delude you and you will cease to be troubled by them.

For example, if a magician creates a tiger, you need not be afraid of it because you know that he is only trying to trick you into believing that it is a real and dangerous tiger. If you don't believe that the tiger is real or dangerous, you don't get afraid.

When the cinema was first introduced here some village people became afraid when they saw things like fire on the screen. They ran away because they believed that the fire would spread and burn the theatre down.

When you know that everything that is happening is only appearing on the screen of Consciousness and that you yourself are the screen on which it all appears, nothing can touch you, harm you or make you afraid.

People who believe in the reality of the world are really no better than people who build dams to catch the water that they see in a mirage.

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