(from "Be as you are"): 

Ramana Maharshi: The jnani’s mind is known only to the jnani. One must be a jnani oneself in order to understand another jnani. However the peace of mind which permeates the saint’s atmosphere is the only means by which the seeker understands the greatness of the saint. His words or actions or appearance are no indication of his greatness, for they are ordinarily beyond the comprehension of common people.


(from "Annamalai Swami - Final Talks"):

Question: I have heard that when people came close to Ramana  Maharshi, they could feel a penetrating peace. As I sit here in the presence of Swamiji I feel nothing. Why is this? 

Annamalai Swami: Not everyone felt peace in Bhagavan’s presence. Madhava Swami served Bhagavan as his personal attendant for many years, but he claimed he felt no peace there.  He used to have the same complaint as you. 

In his later days he would say, ‘People are saying that whenever they are in the presence of Bhagavan they feel tremendous peace. But when I go inside Bhagavan’s hall, it is like hell for me.’ 

I am telling you this because the answer to your question is, ‘Whether you feel peace or not in a jnani ’s presence depends on your maturity’. People who are mature are sensitive to the jnani’s  presence. Such people will immediately experience peace when they come into the presence of a jnani. Others have to wait.  Buds that are ready to bloom open when the sun’s rays fall on them. Those that are not ready have to wait. 

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