As Abhinavagupta says in Tantraloka 13.159: 

svanuktimātre kasyāpi yāvadviśvavimocane

pratibhodeti khadyota-ratna-tarendu-sūryavat

Enlightenment dawns in some only for their own salvation but in others for the liberation of the entire universe just as a firefly, a jewel,  the moon [reflect the light in differing degrees], but the Sun [enlightens everything]


(from "Annamalai Swami - Final Talks"):

Question: Are there differences in the degree of realisation of the Self? For example, Ramana was widely acclaimed as a  Sadguru. Is your understanding the same as Ramana’s? 

Annamalai Swami: You see a big lamp before you. Your own lamp is unlit. So you bring your lamp to the lamp which is already burning. And when you go away from that lamp, you have your  own lamp, your own light. Wherever you go, from that point  on, the light is with you. The state of jnana is the same for all.  Anyone who realises the Self is in the same state of peace, which  is beyond the mind. 

Though the experience of the Self is the same in all cases, it is true that some jnanis end up helping a lot of people, whereas others, who are equally enlightened, may help fewer people.  Some jnanis do not teach at all. They live ordinary lives and are rarely, if ever, recognised for what they really are. 

Water can be in a well or it can be in a lake. It is the same water, but one source can quench more thirst than the other. A  small lamp can light up a room, whereas a big one can light up a whole street. Bhagavan was one of those big, blazing lights  that could light up a huge area. He guided and brought light to many people. 

Question: Swamiji is saying that some jnanis are big lamps  and that others are small. Do the small lamps become bigger, or  do they always remain the same? 

Annamalai Swami: Whichever light you go to, the light is always the same. This business of the lamps is just an example. What I  am trying to say is, only a few people have the capacity to guide  a large number of people towards the truth. Realising the truth is one thing, but guiding others towards it is something else. All jnanis are not equally capable when it comes to guiding others. 

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