Dillgo Khyentse Rinpoche

 Dillgo Khyentse Rinpoche: 

When looking into the nature of mind, 

don’t expect to gain some 

exceptionally high or profound realization, 

- or to see anything new. 

Nor should you hesitate 

or doubt your ability to meditate. 

Just trust that the nature of mind 

- is simply the mind itself 

- left in an unaltered state, 

and do all that you can to sustain this, 

without distraction, at all times, 

- during and between the meditation sessions.

Don’t expect to gain Realization 

- in just a few months, or even years. 

Whether you develop any of the qualities 

that come from the practice or not, 

remain steadfastly determined and resolve 

to continue the practice with diligence, 

- day and night, throughout this life, 

- future lives and the bardo state."

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