Annamalai Swami

 (from "Living by the Words of Bhagavan"):

Annamalai Swami: Bhagavan once said, To correct oneself is to correct the whole world'. When one has corrected oneself completely one finds that there is no one other than oneself to correct. One becomes quiet and peaceful within and one spontaneously radiates happiness to all beings.

If a powerful light is shining it need not say to the darkness 'Please go away'. In the presence of such a powerful light all darkness immediately vanishes. Similarly, the jnani spontaneously radiates a spiritual light which automatically dispels the darkness of spiritual ignorance.

Question: Why did God make this world so imperfectly? What is the purpose of a world in which everyone is continually suffering? Why is there darkness for the jnani to dispel?

Annamai Swami: The ultimate purpose of life is to enquire about the nature of the Self and to stabilize firmly there. Of all births this human birth is the most precious because in this birth we have been given the faculty of enquiry. Through this faculty we are able to enquire about the true nature of the Self.

This precious birth is not given to us to be wasted in sensual pleasures. It is given to us only to know our true Self.

Saint Tayumanuvar sang in one verse:

I came to this world just to realize myself

but I forgot the purpose for which I came.

My mind became deluded by accumulating riches and by indulging in sensual pleasures.

I was deluded, lost in this maya, searching for the transient pleasures of wealth and women.

To kill this delusion my Guru gave me the beautiful sword of jnana.

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