mother running towards her baby.

(from "Sayings of Sri Ramakrishna”):

Sri Ramakrishna: Why this attitude of an idler, that if Realisation is not possible in this birth, it will come in the next? There should not be such sluggishness in devotion. The goal can never be reached, unless a man makes his mind strong, and firmly resolves that he must realise God in this very birth, nay, this very moment. … Slothfulness is not at all desirable. Gather strength, firm faith, and say that you must realise God this very moment. Then only can you succeed.

What means should we adopt in order to get free from the clutches of Maya? He, who yearns to be free from its clutches, is shown the way by God Himself. Only ceaseless yearning is needed. 

A devotee asked the Master: "By what means can He be seen?", and the Master replied: "Can you weep for Him with intense longing? Men weep jugfuls of tears for children, wife, money, etc.; but who weeps for God? So long as a child is engrossed in play with its toys, the mother engages herself in cooking and other household works. But when the little one finds no more satisfaction in toys, throws them aside and loudly cries for its mother, she can no longer remain in the kitchen. She perhaps drops down the rice pot from the hearth, and runs in hot haste to the child and takes it up in her arms".

He finds God quickest, whose concentration and yearning are strongest. 

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